Friday, April 18, 2008

citrus blossoms

If you have never smelled orange blossoms, you are really missing something. They have the most wonderful sent, and it perfumed the night air all around our yard last week.You could smell the tree from a distance, and you could also hear it, because it was covered with bees.The lemon trees have also started to bloom.
They get flowers even though they still have lots of ripe fruits on them.
You have to be careful picking them though, since the tree has some pretty sharp thorns.


Anonymous said...

Wow ... very nice pictures.
I really miss the citrus trees back in Ramallah and Qalqeeleyeh :-)

Unknown said...

MashAllah your pictures are so lovely. Your garden is such a lovely retreat for you. Alhamdulillah.

alajnabiya said...

I am hiding from my garden right now. I have soooo much weeding I need to do!

L_Oman said...

I swear I could smell the orange blossoms just looking at the pictures! And I've never even smelled them before. Keep up your wonderful posts...

Susie of Arabia said...

Gorgeous photos - thanks so much.